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Saturday, May 29, 2010

PRincE OF PerSia ~

Hari ni 28 May 2010 ramai org cuti kn??
erm still Xpasti cuti sempena ape....
Tapi yang pastinye hari ni untuk pertama kalinya
dalam cuti sem ni dapat keluar jalan2 dgn Family~ 
[huhuhu kesian2...-_-"]

LOKASI : One Utama, Damansara
AKTIVITI : GSC "Prince of Persia"

Abah la beriye2 sgtt nak tengok crite ni...
huhuhu tapi ku xkesah...layann jerr~
Meh nak story sket psl cite nih...^-^

Erm2..cmne nak start ek...
Crite die mule2 quite boring sbb die crite psl sejarah2...
Then lepas [+-] 10min baru la start bestnye...
Bnyak sgtt sword-fighting action....ala2 arabian adventure gitu..
Jake Gyllenhaal as Dastan (main actor) dan Gemma Arterton
as Princess Tamina....
Jake gilee gagah+kental+hensem+hebatt la dlm cite ni...
[kagum tetbe...huhu ^^]
Gemma plak gergous sesgtt...huhuhu
mmg sesuailah ngan watak die as princess...
GENRE : Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Romance 




 P/S : So sape2 yg suke adventure and a little escape from
 reality aspecially korang2 yang suke main game lawan2 tuh....
 pergi la tengok crite ni...korang mesty suke....^^

Overall : 7/10 boleh la bagi...hehe~ ^-^**


**Kredit to ABAH <3

this is the signature 4 my blog...hehe isn't it cute?


Miyu said...

ek eleh... org da xtgk muvie da skng.. wahahaha

justKina said...

mirul : motif?? huh~ =p

justKina said...

rindu mahu keluar ke OU bersama kekasih hati...lalala -_-" credit to: Incik Asran Suhaimi ^^

Anonymous said...

nk g ou lg ker...pasni g jauh2 la sket..hehe wee....!!

justKina said...

hai incik anonymous, sy tahu siapakah anda....lalala ^-^**

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